Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Textual Analysis: Kidulthood – Mr Unugur

·         Media forms
What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the film?

This trailer uses many techniques to persuade its audience to watch the film. Firstly, the use of non digetic and digetic sound is used in this trailer to create certain effects and atmosphere to this trailer. For example diegetic sound is used when the guy punches the girl; this digetic sound creates a dramatic effect which makes the audience feel as if they were the girl getting punched. Furthermore, non digetic sound is used throughout the trailer for example the non diegetic sound at the beginning was trying to introduce the characters in the trailer then the rhythm and tempo of the sound changes to get further into the plot of the film, it was more likely was showing the climax of the film. On the whole sound was one of the effective techniques used in this trailer to get the audience attention. In addition, another techniques use in this trailer is editing, the fast paced cuts and edits also give dramatic and tense feeling which creates suspense. Moreover, dialogue was another techniques used in this advertisement to get the audience understand the narrative bit more so they know what’s happening furthermore the use of swear words could attract teenagers to watch the trailer.

·         Media representation
How is gender represented in the trailer?

This trailer was representing younger generation especially the teenagers. Black males were represented powerful, dominant and cold hearted. As they were the one who was beating up females and others around them. They were also shown with gun and knife this shows that they were involved in crime. Whereas, white females and males were portrayed weak for example, the white female gets beaten up however she doesn’t fight back this shows her weaker side. Furthermore there was a scene in the trailer of white males were wearing uniform and school bags. This also connotes than white people were represented dominantly stereotypical and were portrayed intellectual and clever compared to the black people. Furthermore black males were portrayed as gangsters. In the trailer, the text on screen says” from ...” “Adulthood”  “to...” “Kidulthood”, from this phase it easily states that this film is all about representation of younger generation.

·         Media Audience
What target audience would be attracted to this film?

The target audience for this film is mostly likely to be black males aged from 12-18 years old teenagers; they are more likely to belong in DE socio economic group, as most of them are students and some who are not working or attending school. Furthermore, it is aimed at teenagers who are practically interested in knife and gun crime. They are more likely to live in council estates where there are high crimes rates, with a poor background, the reason why is because most of the location and setting of the trailer is in poorer places. Furthermore people who are interested in crime could be attracted to this film as the trailer contains disturbing scenes of violence and crime. Secondary target audience could be young adults aged between 21-26 years old.

·         Media Institution
What low budget values and characteristic can you identify in this trailer?

Firstly, the producers and distributors of this trailer are SNHY media production and Hanway film. You can see this trailer is low budget as the actors and actresses are not as popular or well known, similarly, the producers and distributors are not as well known to be recognised. Furthermore, the quality of the trailer is not that good; this clearly shows from the beginning of the trailer that it’s a low budget film. In addition, there’s no signs of uses of technology or graphic animated title which states not high advanced or expensive technology was used for this trailer.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Exam Practice- Mr Unugur

"Audiences are no longer just consumers to text, but producers too"
To what extent is this true of the media products in your case study?
The genre of my case study is ‘cooking’ which comes under lifestyle. The primary text I have chosen are ‘master chef’ ’, ‘nigella bites’ and ‘Jamie’s 30 minutes meal. They all have similarities and differences, one of the similarities is that they all got three media platforms; E-media, Print, Broadcast. However they all broadcast at different times and different channel to make it suitable for their target audience.  This essay will argue whether the statement “Audience are no longer consumers to text, but producers too” is true or not by analysing my three platforms.
How do the audience take control over E-media?
Firstly producers are the makers of a media source in my case a programme ,they do the distributing and putting everything together to make it into a one whole source whereas consumers; they are ones who the programme is aimed at. Moreover, ‘Nigella bites’ are available in many websites like ‘YouTube’ which could be downloaded by anyone. This gives the consumers power to do anything with the downloaded video, which then could be redistributed any other websites created by the consumers. Furthermore, they can contribute or interact by commenting on the videos in YouTube, this may give feedback to the producers which could improve things.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Textual Analysis Hyundai advert Mr Unugur

Media Forms:
Which advertising techniques being used?
Various types of advertising techniques been used communicate with the audience and persuade them to buy the product. Firstly, one of the most effective technique been used in the advertisement is humour, it immediately brings a smile to your face the little boy is driving the car and having fun. This engages the audience to watch the advert. Furthermore non diegetic sound is used to get the audience listening, hence the rhythm and tempo of the music is very energetic signifies to the product. In addition, the product is shown in different type’s shots e.g. medium, long, close up in different views of the product more than once, to get the audience have a clear image of the product and to make it recognisable when wanting to purchase it in the further. Similarly, the slogan used at the end “The next generation Hyundai is here” this symbolises the narrative; little kids used in the advertisement.
How is gender represented in this advertisement?
Males were represented dominant, as they were shown with the gadget. The purpose of that might be is to target the male audience. However, males were also representing alternatively, in one of the scenes there’s scene of a male carrying a baby. Taking into account that only males were represented in different aspects and there were fewer females’ representation, this advertisement targeted at the male target audience. Females were portrayed as hitchhiker waiting for a ride; this doesn’t really suggest positive representation. However, the advertisement use stereotypes for example the female shown in the advertisement have a blonde hair, this might suggest that females are dumb and they look for expensive gadgets. Overall, I believe that females and males in this advertisement are portrayed stereotypical, furthermore males were portrayed rather dominant and in a positive way than the females.

What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
Hyundai brand is portrayed as a useful fun and must have gadget for males. It also suggests that females are more likely to attract you if you have that car. The advertisement is filmed in different locations this suggests that this vehicles can be used in different types of location even which big humps. When the little kids are inside the car, were shown giggling and laughing which demonstrates that you will experience fun and enjoyable journey to your destination. Furthermore, it is also suggests that buying Hyundai could you get new relationships.

Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
Primary audience for this advertisement is males aged between 19-25 years old, as the advertisement is mainly targeted at younger generation. Hence, they more likely to belong under ABC1 socio economic group because the car looks very expensive and people in higher status likely (A +B socio economic) are more likely to buy it. Secondary target audience are younger couples as shown in the advertisement; the narrative is about two little kids (opposite sex) are having nice time together. The little kids are purposely used to used to symbolise that the advertisement is for younger people and at the end it the advertisement end with a slogan “ The nest generation Hyundai is here”.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Textual Analysis HW: The Sun 4.0 Advert( Mr Unugur)

Codes & Conventions:
How does the advert use codes and conventions to appeal to its audience?
This advertisement uses sarcasm to get their message across to the audience. The message they were trying to inform the audience is that newspaper is better, efficient and easy way to access the news rather than using the ‘new technologies’. Firstly, the use of voice over helped promote the advertisement more, as the narrator mentions “this is a must have 2009 accessory” this makes the audience wonder what’s amazing about it to be described as the ‘must have accessory’, It also makes the audience want to watch the advertisement till the end to find out.

Furthermore, the use of celebrities for example picture Jenson Button (Footballer) could be used to appeal to the male target audience; a picture of Simon Cowell and x factor symbol is used to appeal to the teenage target audience and a picture of peter Andre could be used to attract the female target audience. Overall, images of celebrities were used to appeal to wide range of target audience.

In addition the use of non-digetic music in the background is used to create an exciting atmosphere to make the product seem like it’s one of kind and you can’t get it from anyway. Plus, the music helps to engage the audience to the advert.

How is new technology represented in the advertisement?
As mentioned before, the advertisement is trying to down grade the new technology and trying to send out message that newspaper can replace all the new technology being used nowadays to access the news. In addition at the end of the advert “version 0.4” could be used to suggest that newspaper have become more contemporary and more up to date with the new technology features which could appeal to younger audience.  On the whole, I believed that the new technologies been represented as powerless equipment as the old technologies like newspaper could replace them which could make it easier and environment friendly.
Media Institutions:
What does the advertisement tell you about the values and ideologies of the Sun Newspaper?
The advertisement tells us that sun newspaper has dominant ideology among the new technology as it provides almost all the features that the new technologies like an internet, iPod, iPad, iphone has. Furthermore, you can also tell that the sun newspaper have high values in order to sell the newspaper as they make so many promises that their newspaper can provide all those features which also tells us that it is confident
 How does the advertisement appeal to its audience?
This advertisement appeals to both younger and older audience but mainly the
younger ones as the new technology is used by the younger generation the most. I would say the target audience could range from 15-45 years old males  and 20-35 years old females from C1DE socio economic class. As mentioned before the advertisement used celebrities to appeal to the target audience.  As mentioned before the advertisement uses celebrities to appeal to range of target audiences. overall, it uses codes and conventions to appeal to its audience.