Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Textual Analysis Hyundai advert Mr Unugur

Media Forms:
Which advertising techniques being used?
Various types of advertising techniques been used communicate with the audience and persuade them to buy the product. Firstly, one of the most effective technique been used in the advertisement is humour, it immediately brings a smile to your face the little boy is driving the car and having fun. This engages the audience to watch the advert. Furthermore non diegetic sound is used to get the audience listening, hence the rhythm and tempo of the music is very energetic signifies to the product. In addition, the product is shown in different type’s shots e.g. medium, long, close up in different views of the product more than once, to get the audience have a clear image of the product and to make it recognisable when wanting to purchase it in the further. Similarly, the slogan used at the end “The next generation Hyundai is here” this symbolises the narrative; little kids used in the advertisement.
How is gender represented in this advertisement?
Males were represented dominant, as they were shown with the gadget. The purpose of that might be is to target the male audience. However, males were also representing alternatively, in one of the scenes there’s scene of a male carrying a baby. Taking into account that only males were represented in different aspects and there were fewer females’ representation, this advertisement targeted at the male target audience. Females were portrayed as hitchhiker waiting for a ride; this doesn’t really suggest positive representation. However, the advertisement use stereotypes for example the female shown in the advertisement have a blonde hair, this might suggest that females are dumb and they look for expensive gadgets. Overall, I believe that females and males in this advertisement are portrayed stereotypical, furthermore males were portrayed rather dominant and in a positive way than the females.

What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers?
Hyundai brand is portrayed as a useful fun and must have gadget for males. It also suggests that females are more likely to attract you if you have that car. The advertisement is filmed in different locations this suggests that this vehicles can be used in different types of location even which big humps. When the little kids are inside the car, were shown giggling and laughing which demonstrates that you will experience fun and enjoyable journey to your destination. Furthermore, it is also suggests that buying Hyundai could you get new relationships.

Who is target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product?
Primary audience for this advertisement is males aged between 19-25 years old, as the advertisement is mainly targeted at younger generation. Hence, they more likely to belong under ABC1 socio economic group because the car looks very expensive and people in higher status likely (A +B socio economic) are more likely to buy it. Secondary target audience are younger couples as shown in the advertisement; the narrative is about two little kids (opposite sex) are having nice time together. The little kids are purposely used to used to symbolise that the advertisement is for younger people and at the end it the advertisement end with a slogan “ The nest generation Hyundai is here”.

1 comment:

  1. You are using Media Terminology however this needs to be embedded into your writing, not just used. For example -

    You said - "the product is shown in different type’s shots e.g. medium, long, close up in different views of the product more than once, to get the audience have a clear image of the product"

    a better use of this language could be -

    "we see a close up of the male babies facial expression, which quickly cuts to a long shot of the vehicle (product) driving on an open road allowing the audience to..."

    Male is dominant whilst the female is his subordanent partner - where is this shown in the advert? GIVE MORE EXAMPLES

    The Hyudai brand offers its users FREEDOM - can you find evidence within the text to confirm this statement to be true.

    A good answer to the audience question

    Sivagowsi, to improve your writing you need to read some good examples. I suggest you naviagte to the Year 13 Blogs, and read a few os these analysis. These model some excellent writing skills and would be very helpful in extending your style and craft in this area.

    Well done!
